Bhojpuri actor and singer Ritesh Pandey is known for his singing. Whenever painful songs come in his voice, he does wonders. The pain is reflected in his voice, which should be seen on listening to a sad song. In such a situation, now his new music video ‘Doli Roka Ho Kahar’ has been released. This is a very sad song. Those with a broken heart will cry after seeing this.
The video of Ritesh Pandey’s Sad Song has been released on YouTube channel of Worldwide Records Bhojpuri. As soon as this song is released, Bhojpuri has climbed on the lips of the audience. It is getting a great response from the audience. The video of this song is also being liked by the audience. It is seen in the video that the actor is seen in love with his co-actress Pragati Bhatt and he gets married to someone else, due to which the actor’s heart breaks. He stops Kahar to meet him and narrates his pain about how he will live without her. Really get to see the pain in the video of this song.
Ek Pyaar Si Love Story of Ritesh and Pragati is shown in this song, which is also being liked by the audience. Regarding the song, Ritesh said that ‘We have made the song very carefully. In this we have tried to show the pain of a lover very well. The song turned out better than I expected, thanks to the entire team of Worldwide Records. Especially Ratnakar Kumar, who gave me such a song.
Presented by Worldwide Records, this song is written by Rajkumar Sahni and music is given by Chhotu Sahni, which is amazing. This is going to touch your heart. The producer of this song is Ratnakar Kumar. Video Director is Aryan Dev, DOP Rajesh Rathore, Ravi Rathore, Editor Meet Ji, Choreographer Samrat Ashok, Production Head Pankaj Soni.
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